Man this game is so close to being something good and fun. It has several mechanics and ideas that are so clever and if were done again in another game would probably be great but nearly all of those ideas feel half baked and are fumbled making this game frustrating and boring at the same time. Boring level designs, insanely easy bosses, a follower system that while on its own is very cool gets in the way and makes it way too easy to lose track of what's even happening during chaotic boss fights and a very poor story that probably makes sense to hardcore Kirby fans but to anyone else is just unsatisfying.

I really wish I could play a better version of this game because everything on paper is very unique but every time I thought I was starting to love it the game fought back and reminded me that its actually bad.

(Have yet to play the side content that I heard is much better)

Reviewed on Nov 09, 2023
