19 Reviews liked by pedringo

First playthrough is solid but after you realize just how little your actions mean. Still a decent enough game and the first playthrough is cool just falls apart once you actually look.

Literalmente un robot gigante fue vencido por un kilo de verduras. ☠️

A full YouTube walkthrough of this game is ~1 hour and 40 minutes long. You know what else is an hour and 40 minutes long? The movie "Groundhog Day." Go watch that instead.

Too many tedious tasks. Began to feel like a chore. Good potential, just did not come together well. I feel that if a developer was to branch this out and not have to repeat things so often (I understand it is a 12 min timeloop) then this could be the making if a great game

Non c’ho voglia di star lì a clickare tutto e ripartire da zero

o jogo consegue explorar muito bem os loops temporais mas a gameplay é bem chata

I was just too stupid for this...

A pretty pointless return of the A and B stories from Resident Evil 2, because far too often is just a complete rehash of the main game with less variety in weapons. This makes it basically pointless to play instead of just replaying Leon's story.

bacaninha mas nada de especial

Really didn't interest me and I wouldn't have played it if it wasn't for the trophy but I did like seeing some of the gameplay changes they'd made!

no difficulty options
it's pretty much a cut up version of the base game
you don't really learn much more about the game
a little fun sometimes, meh

Como que acharam uma boa ideia mandar para um campo de batalha uma agente usando vestido longo e salto alto?