Among the first 'reimagined' games that come to mind, this one is truly impressive. They've managed to develop the original ideas and themes without resorting to repetition or filler. A clear example of this can be seen in the boss battles. While the transitions to 3D movement are few, they're quite welcoming, prompting me to wonder what a full 3D platformer starring Mickey from this team would be like.

The only downside to this game is the occasional unclear platform collision, though these instances aren't too frequent. The new OST by Grant Kirkhope retains the charm of the original, but I sometimes find it too 'epic,' perhaps missing the chiptune sounds.

A simple yet effective addition is the free roam inside the castle, creating a nice atmosphere and giving more meaning to the collectibles in the stages.

It's a product of a bygone era when big companies took risks by producing small and bite-sized games. While some argue that indie games now fulfill this role, I still long for the days when companies with better budgets, know-how, and resources could venture beyond the AAA, Games as a Service-oriented, Open World format.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
