See the bottom for the edit! The below is kinda wrong!

Idk if I’ll ever “finish” this—I had never found a soothing night-night game that quite worked for me but this checks all the boxes: lofi that doesn’t demand too much, hand drawn art, simple premise and maybe the first rhythm game I pick up voluntarily.

My one beef is, if you have the infinite possibilities of dreamscape before you, why the fuck is one gonna dream about the mechanism of swiping a credit card? The food level, sure. Tech level same vibe. Regrettably, my absolute favorite is the social media follower map—me, a dude who has never even glimpsed clout in their life—but I just wonder why not take all these gorgeous repetitive components, art and music elements, and make it less capitalism-horny? You could be rolling out infinite ravioli. Forming endless gnocchi. Skating on the boardwalk. Skipping from cloud to cloud. Y’know, joy is your birthright and all that.

EDIT: Bro you totally unlock better levels. I am a fool and a cad. Time, Nature, and Space are especially picante. This game whips and I play it every night—you guessed it—before I snoozle.

Reviewed on Dec 31, 2022
