The hardest part of this game is convincing your friends that this is one of the best co-op experiences in gaming despite how it looks.

Every level is pure chaos and every class (except ranger) always finds a time to shine. The sheer amount of toys everyone gets in this game leads to constant experimentation and constant disaster, it is glorious. Often times your own teammates are more dangerous than you alien foes, and that is not to say the enemies in this game are push overs. They will absolutely take advantage of any mishaps on your part! Without proper teamwork/strategizing, fights in this game get extremely messy and the line between success and failure can be crossed in seconds. This isn't a mindless game like it may look like (you will die), but playing this game mindlessly leads to some amazing slapstick. Nothing is more hilarious and devastating than an air raider wiping his own team seconds before victory due to an unannounced carpet bombing.

That's me btw, I'm the air raider. Spent 90% of my time with this game as this class and I can absolutely recommend the game to anyone just for the sake of experiencing this class. Even as a support class, I've beaten the game solo with him. He just gets such a wide variety of gadgets and vehicles that any challenge can be worked around with enough careful planning. Not to mention, he has some of the most powerful tools in the game via a variety of airstrikes and giant mechs.

The game's story and writing is also very fun. Every character is an idiot, but the cheesiness of their lines and the great performance by the VAs makes the story endlessly entertaining. The stakes of the story are always sky-high and really adds to the 1-4 man army fantasy the game is going for.

Overall, this is my favorite co-op game and one I enjoy immensely even in single player. It looks like a mess, it even plays like a mess, but it is one of the most masterfully crafted messes in gaming and one more people need to experience and fall in love with.

Completely unrelated: why is the online lobby theme so good? In a menu most people spent less than a minute on? They did this in 4.1 too, the longest and most catchy song in the game is put in the absolute worst spot. It pisses me off.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2022
