okay, finished the Jarilo-VI arc (ar 24 main quest) and i think i have more opinions about this game now.

first off: turn-based combat allows the game to be more creative with their battles, that is specially true in the final boss battle of this quest also hoyo-mix can peg me and i wouldn't mind, this game is far more advanced, faster, cleaner and better optimized than genshin, everytime i have to open that game now i feel like i'm crawling an ancient dungeon.

also, this game's world design is far more smart than genshin, in genshin you could see the BIG difference between mondstadt and sumeru, to the point where it's weird to even think those two are basically on the same map, the game power-crept itself in it's world design. that doesn't happen here, for the exchange of having more linear spaces, the world design and building truly shines (also, having how many treasures are left in an area on the map is a feature genshin should've had for ages now).

about it's story, i think that it has a really big potential, specifically because of what i've already said. take genshin for example: scaramouche's fight. while it is a cool fight the first time you play it, the more you do it as a weekly boss, the more you notice it's flaws, like, you're really telling me the guy that is basically a god right now can only throw a couple of missiles and step on the ground? it's that sort of thing i think star rail can correct and innovate upon, since you can put a lot of stuff into turn-based combat that doesn't require extreme skill from the player. i also think that it's a really smart idea to separate your story arcs in worlds, that way, supporting characters from different arcs don't have to acknowledge each other if the story writers don't want to. let's take genshin again for example, don't you think it's weird you NEVER see the archons having any interaction between themselves whatsoever?

anyways, i think this is a step forward for hoyoverse and i will continue playing the game, 8/10 for now, let's see when the game stops having content and it becomes a grinding mess again.

Reviewed on Apr 28, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

yeah this aged badly i prefer genshin