Little Nightmares is one of my personal favourite games ever. I love the uncanny and oppressive atmosphere of the game, with strange twisting and winding architecture, and monstrous fleshy giants constantly chasing you down, with your only goal to escape. In this review I will be both covering my thoughts in the main game and dlc collectively.

The best part of this game is definitely the artwork. It is has some of the most unique and captivating designs I have ever seen. The people look rubbery and inhuman, some with exaggerated contorting limbs, or sagging fleshy faces. The environments feel massive and oppressive. Cabinets rocket upwards, but bend around as if the world itself were twisting and turning. Pathways stretch as far as the eyes can see. The world feels like an endless maze in which you desperately traverse to get out.

The gameplay is also incredibly fun. Basic tasks like opening a door become mountains as you try and grapple around with your tiny body. Manoeuvring around and sneaking behind enemies feel tense and nerve wrecking. Slowly as you progress further and further, the game constantly ups the stakes, more enemies, more confrontations, always keeping the player on their toes.

The story itself is also incredibly interesting. The game has absolutely no dialogue, and never force feeds you information about the story. At the end of the game, you'll be wondering, what happened? The game lets you piece together the events in the game and come up with your own interpretation of the events that were happening and had happened, with subtle details in the backgrounds and easily missable context clues. As for the actual story substance itself, I really enjoyed it and think it's extremely unique.

Little Nightmares is a game that I would honestly recommend to everyone and anyone, especially if you are a fan of games like Limbo and Inside.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
