The LEGO game that got me back into LEGO games after a long time of not playing any. I played the original LEGO Star Wars (which was just the prequals) as a kid and had a blast, and then when this came out it was a nostalgia blast: I had been reminded that I loved LOTR and LEGO games at the same time. The gameplay is all the same, so you either like its very basic puzzle mechanics or not. The open world here is decent--you get to walk all around the big locations in the movies seamlessly, like one big theme park, and at a certain point I had played so much of this (and 100% a LEGO game for the first time) that I could draw a crude map of Middle Earth. Good times! I like the dance remix you can acquire with the Disco Phial: "BREAK the DAM! Release the River--the River!"

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2022
