Easily the most disappointing mainline SciADV game so far due to the story and the technical issues.

I'd say that DaSH is split up into 2 main halves. The first one being god awful and the second being pretty good.
The first half just takes the fun slice of life parts of the first Robotics;Notes and takes it to a whole new retarded level. It's filled with the most cringy pedo fanservice I've ever seen and it's basically just Daru cumming all over the island for 10 hours. I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say that it takes the most dramatic elements from r;n and just says "fuck you how about I make it funny xd useless filler lmao".
The second half is a lot better though and ranges from on par to much better than the first r;n. It ties up some of the character arcs that were left unresolved and gives a nice conclusion to the somewhat unconclusive ending of the original.

Regarding technical issues, there are unfortunately a lot of them are localisation related.
There are a lot of typos in the game, even more so than the first r;n. Aside from this, there was also a name that wasn't translated at all which was missed when localising since it only appeared for 2 lines. This is 100% the fault of spike chunsoft rushing the localisation. From this interview (https://www.siliconera.com/roboticsnotes-localization-staff-discuss-preparing-elite-and-dash-one-after-another/) you can assume that DaSH's release was really rushed due to the two r;n games being released at once.
These next problems are only for the Switch version, I have no idea if there are similar issues on other platforms.
I experienced a lot of slowdowns where the framerate basically halves while there were 3 characters on screen or during some moments where they were messing around with some camera positions/effects.
Don't worry, I saved the worst issue for last. In the last (best) chapters of the game a character is reintroduced from the first game, but this charater's model's animations were somehow messed up and they were t-posing and nodding their head in a loop for the ENTIRETY of the game. As you might expect this is completely immersion breaking and ruins all moments with them on screen.

Overall, it was an okay experience if you ignore the first half of the game. The game is relatively short (only took 22 hours to beat for me) and this game is definitely not worth its 35 euro/dollar price, definitely wait for it to be on sale.
You should only play this game if you enjoyed the first r;n and would like to see more of the characters and if you can somehow drag your way through the cringe part. This could change in the future though as I will expect that this game will be referenced a lot in future SciADV titles.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2020
