First title in ZUNSoft repertoire, HRTP is a great experiment, revisiting the Arkanoid formula with some punch, two routes and different endings. It can be frustrating and not having complete control over the orb can lead to very long standoffs between the player, the orb spinning, the timer, the bullets and the single tile in the corner, but I think it's only a minor gripe.

What takes the cake for me is the great polish in soundtrack, spritework and backgrounds: The Eastern Country (Gensokyo we know and love wink wink) is pure eye candy.
Aside from some issues that I can forgive knowing the context behind a Comiket project, I think it's a pretty well done game, a testament of things to come, a toast to how polished and charming ZUN's games will be.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2024
