Log Status






Time Played

1h 12m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 4, 2023

Platforms Played


what i liked :
+the artstyle is downright amazing, even the little characters are expressive and the cutscenes have some charm to them
+the characters are fun, there is a pseudo arnold that does a primal roar everytime he beats a level, he even does a tiger drop at the enemies. its great, i can see capcom didn't let go of their wrestling passion.

Overall this is a very enjoyable game but with some very quirks not regarding the game itself, this is a clear case of lack of preservation, mame emulation is hard so you rely on pre built emulators like fbneo who does a serviceable job, this was supposed to be on the newest capcom arcade collection but unfortunally it didn't made it, shame as i would love to pay real money to own this, i have all the collections, having it on one of those collections would mean saving myself the hassle of finding a mame rom that will actually work because ON GOD i tried absolutelly everything.
play it any way you can but beware that playing it is more of a challenge than the game itself