Log Status






Time Played

2h 13m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 2, 2023

Platforms Played


when people say ''style over substance'' i think they are referring to this game rather than stylized cool well developed indies, this is a clear example of great art and music with downright poor gameplay.
this is a game that thinks being ''Goofy Aah'' is more important than having a enjoyable gameplay, there are like 3 levels with normal gameplay, the rest is gimmick minigames, not even the base game is fun, the shooting feels off and jumping is unresponsive.

it also promotes animal cruelty, you either let puppies die or kill a raven!!
this is the last bad game by Nick Bruty, as he went on to make legends such as MDK and citizen kabuto, honestly i just pushed on to play these bealtiful garbos so i can get to mdk already