after watching vaaty video i was convinced to give this one a try (with a caveat) there is a amazing mousehook project that aims to give many console games with aiming a support for mouse and lemme tell ya, this game was made difficult simply and solely because of the controls lol, i made a fun little build with the top generator, a mounted shoulder solid gun, and the Karasawa, i realized that if you don't die, you simply dont see all the missions, once youre done with the game you can do all of them, but the game is built around you dying to see all content which is kinda funny, when you strip down the poor controls (yes poor controls, there are mods to change them, don't @ me) you are left with a very fun yet limited mech game with a solid foundation, i can't wait to try it, veterans you guys should try the mouse hook, its real fun

legit the oh so dreaded last platform level is piss easy when you can actually aim where you are falling.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2023
