everyone does say this is a mid game with an alright story, but nobody brings up the fact that the story itself is borrowed, come on guys this is Roman Hamlet.

the story itself even if a bit too heavily inspired by hamlet is still a enjoyable watch (maybe because we don't get many roman based games lately so lemme have this one).
the gameplay however goes from mid to annoying, the game gives you a set of rules your character is forced to follow such as : can't hit more than 1 guy at a time, every animation must be commited, meaning youre stuck with it until done even if it costs your hp bar and cheap hits, for ranged attacks you gotta stop in place while facing multiple enemies that will hit and stunlock you into never being able to retaliate, same enemies that follow the hit hit kick, hit hit kick, it just gets so boring because instead of making the combat more fun, they just increase the enemies gimmick, oh this one you gotta defend 3 times before you can attack, but he can hit stun you so you get two cheak hits if you defend the wrong time.
to compensate for annoying combat and gimmicky enemies they give you a perk that gives you life when you kill enemies, problem is, you gotta do a quicktime event everytime you do it, now imagine a quick time event for every enemy in the game ? since they can cheapshot you so easily, don't play on hard kids.

the game looks stunning but has some very weird quirks, make sure to disable vsync ingame, now go to nvidia panel and lock your fps, enable triple buffering via the panel, also make sure to enable low latency, after that go to pcgamingwiki and do all the tips to fix the game on nvidia cards. there you can finally play without stuttering, weird performance hiccups or constants little freezes.
overall its a 4 but only gets a 6 because it has a nice roman version of the hamlet story.

now i know i sound a little harsh but at the time of its release it was a xbox one exclusive launch title, i dreamed of playing this game so i avoided getting spoilers for years before i got a good computer to play the pc port, i'm as disappointed as you are.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2023
