For all the praise it gets, i expected more.

the setting might be interesting and sets up a cool world for future entries but the story is a whole lot of a nothing sandwich, game chapters happen due to mild inconveniences that need to be dealt with, it just so happens that there are bunch of grunts for you to kill in the way.

i get that the cover style and the OH SO MACHO characters were very appealing at the time but playing it today after playing more recent and more fun TPS like Spec Ops, i genuinelly don't feel the need to ever replay this again, while spec ops i finished 5 times already.
ive read an article that says the enemies had to be toughten up because at the time the graphics were so cool that if it had too many enemies it would slow down, and thus the enemies became bullet sponges to the maximun, your bullet cap is around 650 but it means nothing when the average grunt will eat 70 of those at point blank, its just not very fun as a shooter because of that, i am still curious to check future entries because most people say they are way better.

this one however, never again, yikes

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
