a total improvement !

i loved this entry, this is where remedy started their own developing style, with the little jokes and the likes, the comic panels now bem...well actually drawn panels feel great to watch.
i could say that i miss sam lake face in it but to be honest not at all, those who played know but he is always there somewhere making me company as i play with this new face payne, but for the love of god, let the remakes have sam lake.
did i felt mona levels were a stretch ? yeaah.. but to be fair the game is not too long not too short, just the right sweet lenght were i can finish it in a whole day and enjoy it fully, the mechanics got upgraded and this now feel much more gun-fu than the first one who was still a little clunkily trying to get it together. looking foward to alan wake next ! not looking foward to max payne 3, i kinda dislike rockstar writing style of tarantino post pulp fiction, yikes.

for those wanting to play this game today, don't bother with steam, there was a whole fiasco involving rockstar where they got caugh selling pirated copies on steam using the razor edited versions, and this was one of them, do yourself a favor and use the classic upgraded version a fan patched version made with care to provide and accurate and bugfree version, not butchered by idiotic publishers, honestly even tho i still have my nose itching with 505, i still believe remedy is in better hands than that cult of weirdos that is the rockstar publishing crew, 2023 revealed banger after banger about them.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
