i don't know what i was expecting.
for starters i beat this game on hard and there is no achievement to do so, no unlockable, nothing.
this is a shooter in the same vein as EDF, but it commits such a weird amateur mistake, you don't shoot where you are aiming, most TPS games have the player shoot through the camera into the reticle so the bullets can go directly where youre aiming, not here, the reticle aims where your character is looking, so in a straight line you will hit where youre aiming but a slight aiming upwards with make your aiming slighly tilted and make you miss despite your reticle being directly into the enemy, and you will fight vertical enemies with this aiming, it just feels off.
there are only 2 maps in the whole game, a big one that is separated into chunks and a small one that you'll fight in the final battle of the multiplayer.
this is a mission based game in the same vein as EDF but this game has nowhere near the amount of guns and customization EDF has, still i am no fool, i know what i was buying when i got it, i expected some jank i just didn't expected most of it to be jank.
the story is downright silly, anime girls vs zombies, and they use used panties to distract zombies (no joke there is a counter to how long you've been using your panties, the longer the smellier), the characters are : naiive protag, the rich girl that laughs like karin from Street fighter, the stoic leader, the silly fat girl, the scared girl and that's the whole scooby gang of undergartments.
the last boss of the campaign is what sold me on the idea that i was being trolled, i don't know on normal but on hard you can't even damage him, the game forces you to use the healer character because they know you can't beat him, so the last fight is you rushing to heal your friends so all 4 can damage him, but you'll still die a lot doing so, but on multiplayer you can't even beat him without a party of 4 characters, me and my friend spent 4 hours trying to beat him but the guy is his single player counterpart, that means if there isn't 4 people shooting at once on him, he takes no damage due to his evasive skill, and two is not enough, so we resorted to cheat engining to death, only to find out it was pointless because there is no unlockable for beating the multiplayer, despite those being the hardest 10 missions in the game.
Despite all that, i still had some fun learning the meta and trying to brute force my way through this crap, there is the meta of dismembering guns, they don't work on bosses (of course they dont...) but their skill is taking limbs off zombies with a single shot, despite huge spongy healthbar zombies are, if they have less than 2 limbs they count as dead in the game, that means agains't normal enemies the dismembering guns are the absolute meta to beating the hard mode.
do i recommend this game ? no. Get RE revelations 2 raid mode and mod the characters to be lewdified, you'll get a better mission based looter shooter experience

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
