a bealtiful game, a solid upgrade from the first one, this game feels like a recent indie game, but one that is still filled with old school level design.
it comes with all that it entails, traps, gimmicky sections, a bigger than it should be map, unfar sections, confusing level design BUT THIS TIME YOU ACTUALLY HAVE A MAP WOOOOOOOOHHH !!!
as much as this game as some hussles of old tech i still can't bring myself to dislike it, in fact i'm still jaw dropped at all it does, like i said this feels like a recent indie game that takes inspiration from old school tech and in term suffer from its odd design choices.

do i recommend playing ? unlike the first game YES you should give it a try. but you should wait until october of 2023.

this game suffers a worse fate than the first game, that being it never got localized aside from the ps2 bonus of the mgs3 version, that means like the first game you will be stuck in a 20 fps java port of the msx game and that is... not ideal, i played it this way and it made me feel jealous of the people that finished the game using msx emulation, because that version is 60 frames solid through and through, besides, emulationg a java game inside an already emulating ps2 game is asking for trouble, not much that it will have issues, oh no it ran fine, the problem is the input delay in a 20 fps java game, its HORRID, you can almost count half a second between each input.
so you should play the msx version right ? in theory yes, but to this day i haven't found a emulator that lets you keybind stuff, cuz the default is the arrow keys, alt and ctrl as otter buttons, which forgive me for i am weak but i rather not play it.
that leaves you with the possibillity that the MGS collection that is coming october 2023 will not use the java port, but even if it does, having solid frame input makes the 20 fps a bit more tolerable, hey on a higher note i'm willing to change this review if anyone finds a msx emulator that allows keybinding

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
