this game feels like a ps2 title, in both best and worst way

the gameplay is arcade style stealth, its not realistic in hopes to make your tools useful in creative ways
there are few characters but the story makes do with these few, still making it feel like a very rich narrative, the story overall feels very personal to the characters.
i just love me some good samurai themed world, we don't have many of these.
those are all positives right ? then why such a low score ? polish

this game will fight agains't you in many ways, many people report an abysmal performance from the game despite them having some quite strong beasts, myself included, i've just recently upgraded my rig and i can run many games i couldn't before but this, this one in specific is so bad i gotta play on 640x480 with everything on low just to get past 20 fps, that is unnaceptable regardless of inexperience of the team, upon close inspection this game does not know what to do with many cores, but even limiting them might not help your case.
playing with it on low has its own hussles to deal with, for example the shadows, a principal component of your teleporting mechanic, if stuff is on low you can't see shadows, therefore you have to guess where you can teleport, now imagine not being able to use the mechanics properly in a tight stealth game.
ai glitching, i've had cases of the ai hearing me from the other side of the map, the teleporting not working or the game refusing to let you climb areas due to the very finnicky aiming, making you die when you gotta make quick decisions due to the weird polish of your tools.
the game has a skill that has no tutorial in how to use, a player opened a steam thread to ask how to use this skill but the dev is VAC banned ! what in oblivion did this guy do ?? .
the pricing is too high for a game with such lack of polish, instead of working on proper optimization dev rather blame user machine .
and to finish it all out, unfortunally the pacing is through the toilet, the first 3 missions are fine and deviate from what are you gonna do for the next 10 missions, oh you finished a level ? great, next one has the same gimmick now break the shield barrier so you can proceed, you did it ? great now break 3 shield barriers so you can proceed, you did it ? great ! now break 3 shield barriers while we flooded the level with enemy sitting right next to them, and it doesn't change, aside from the 3 first missions, all other missions are break shield barrier.

i wanted to like this game, i really do, but there are so many hussles preventing me from doing so, which is a shame, there is clearly some passion in this project that i wish had a bit more work put into it, or maybe a different engine as i heard unity is quite tricky to deal with when it comes to polish.
i recomend new devs to use unreal because aside from much smaller share payment for your revenue when using the engine, its also open code for the optimization, so even if you have zero clue how to polish it, some weirdo like me can go into the hidden config files and change some values to make it properly work.

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2023
