Log Status






Time Played

5h 26m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

July 14, 2023

Platforms Played


You control Cid, a demon who loves causing chaos. Unfortunately for him, a band of demon hunters has come to Darkestville to trap him. Luckily, they don't realize who he is and take someone else. Unfortunately again, it's Cid's precious pet fish Domingo! Now, it's personal, and you must get your pet back! But that's the beginning of this wild night.


I absolutely love the artstyle of Darkestville Castle. It's spooky and whimsical and fun! It's dark, but not dreary. And it's colorful, but think Halloween colors, lots of black, purple, greens. All of the characters have their own unique style, but still look like a natural part of this world.

Sound Effects + Music

Darkestville Castle is fully voice acted. There's a narrator to set the scene, and he sounds so good! It's like a movie. All of the characters are also voice acted, no line goes unspoken! Everyone does a great job and it really helps to immerse you in this world. While the text itself is funny, the voices really bring out the humor.

And the music is also great. It's perfectly fun and creepy. Think Addam's Family or Nightmare Before Christmas.

Gameplay + Controls

Darkestville Castle is a standard point-and-click adventure. You move Cid around and click on things. He can look at, talk to, or grab items. Obviously, you need to grab/pick up useful objects that you need for puzzle solving. Sometimes you'll need to look at an item or interact with it in some way multiple times before he becomes useful. If you're familiar with the genre, you know the puzzles can be quite quirky. For the most part, the game does a good job of dropping hints in the dialogue to guide you in the right direction.

I've only played a handful of point-and-click games, so I'm still getting use to the obscurity of some of the solutions. But many of them make perfect sense after the fact, while others I never would have gotten without brute force or a guide. Like that stupid pelican.


For me, point-and-clicks are one-and-done type games, so I wouldn't play Darkestville Castle again. I did miss some achievements, but it is possible to get them all in one go if you're careful. The story is super fun and entertaining, so it wouldn't be a chore to go through it again.


I really enjoyed Darkestville Castle. It has the type of humor that I actually get, and I just loved the Halloween vibes. It was frustrating at times, but that's what guides are for.