Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

August 31, 2023

First played

August 5, 2023

Platforms Played


You play as Lilly, a young woman struggling with multiple personality disorder (as it's called in game). She was left bloodied, exiting the forest with no memories of what happened there. As you move through the puzzles, you discover more of her personalities and little bits of her past.


I actually quite like the simplistic, yet eerie visuals in Reflection of Mine. In all of the levels, one side of the screen is bright or colorful, while the other side is in grayscale. It's a pretty obvious choice to represent the different sides of Lilly, but I think it works. The character sprites are fine, if basic.

There are some jump scares. They're not as scary as they could have been if the visuals were a little neater. And it uses the glitchy screen lines to show something weird is happening.

Sound Effects + Music

There is exactly one background track in Reflection of Mine. It's not a bad one, but it is extremely repetitive, since it's the only music you'll hear for the entirety of the game. There are several sound effects, which are fine. But it's a puzzle game, so it's all pretty standard.

The "scary" sound effects are more annoying than scary though.

Gameplay + Controls

In Reflection of Mine, you'll control Lilly and one of her other personalities at the same time. When you make a move, both girls will move along their own grid which has different obstacles and paths to the ending.

There is a pretty huge difficulty spike, which I did not enjoy. You barely get any time to get use to new elements and hazards before more are added on top. I was enjoying the gameplay for the first four or five levels, but after that, too many new hazards were added and the puzzles got way too hard (for me). It would have been nice to have a more gradual increase in difficulty, with more than one puzzle to get use to the new additions.


I absolutely would not play Reflection of Mine again. I didn't enjoy it that much. Plus, the puzzles would be exactly the same. Sure, it's unlikely you'll memorize every single solution, but I don't see a point in repeating them. It's not time, so there's no motivation to get through them quicker. I suppose you could try to finish in fewer moves, but that depends on which difficulty setting you play on in the first place whether moves matter or not.


Reflection of Mine was a disappointment. I was excited for a dark, twisted puzzle game, but it was pretty boring and way too hard. I used a guide to finish the first chapter, hoping that the story would at least grab my interest. Sadly, it didn't. The dialogue seems really off and there was nothing to draw me into Lilly's story.