The countdown to prom has begun! You have six weeks to find yourself a date. Choose from six (or eight with the DLC route) unique candidates at your special high school (even though everyone is college age?!) for monsters, impress them, ask them to the dance, or fail miserably!


I love the art style of Monster Prom. It’s so bright and colorful! Each character is unique and easily recognizable. This is a cartoon that I’d definitely watch!

Sound Effects + Music

The music is so upbeat and fun! It felt very nostalgic to me, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what it was. It does very much sound like a late ’90s or early ’00s cartoon. The background music is very repetitive though. Each game is quick, so if you spread out your various playthroughs the music shouldn’t get annoying.

Monster Prom is partially voice acted. Each of the characters has several voiced lines, and I thought they all sounded great. Everyone’s personality really shines with just a few words.

Gameplay + Controls

Monster Prom is a straight-forward dating sim. The six “weeks” are actually broken down into six days which have three time slots for activities. For each time, you’ll choose where in the school you want to go and will be greeted with an opportunity to increase your stats and impress your target. The scenes play out in visual novel format, so just sit back, relax, and absorb the wackiness!

There really isn’t much more to it than that. You can purchase items to help you, or hinder you. It’s quite easy to get hooked and want to win over every potential date! Although actually scoring a date is not so easy! You have impress your date with their preferred skills and earn enough adoration!


Monster Prom is inherently replayable based on its genre. Not only are there six (or eight) different potential dates, which you can be successful or fail with, but there are a ton of story scenes and different endings to collect. Plus a crap ton of achievements. I only managed a single achievement on my initial playthrough and didn’t get a date, so I was eager to jump back in.


Monster Prom really surprised me! It put a huge smile on my face as soon as I started playing. The gameplay is straight foward but addicting. I’ll definitely be returning to this one again and again.

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023
