You play as Hiroki Ogasawara, a photographer who is having the worst night of his life. He was suppose to photograph the J-Pop idol, Ayu, but his train was late and he got stuck in the back row of the venue. Then he has a run in with the idol after the show, where he breaks his camera and gets a slap in the face. From there, he meets a beautiful businesswoman and things seem to be looking up. Except he wakes up hungover and can’t remember much of the good parts of the night before. However, this mystery woman seems to have taken a special interest in Hiroki…


Sakura Succubus is done in vibrant anime style. I really liked how it looked. Of course, there’s lots of big boobies, but they’re not overly exaggerated, which I appreciated. Ayu, Cosmos, and Marina looked like “real” busty women, not just walking knockers.

Sound Effects + Music

There’s quite a variety of background music in Sakura Succubus. A lot of it has a kind of futuristic feel which was cool, even if it didn’t always suit the tone of the story. The music does change with every location change, so you’re never hearing the same song for too long. The tracks do repeat though, but that’s to be expected.

There’s no voice acting at all. Not even little one liners or sighs. It’s not a deal breaker for me, but I find it does take away from the experience a bit.

Gameplay + Controls

Sakura Succubus is a visual novel with very few choices and no additional gameplay. It’s easy to read and get sucked into. Just press Enter and enjoy! There are no branching paths or alternate endings.


Being a visual novel, Sakura Succubus is replayable. Even though there are only a handful of choices, it’s fun to see how selecting something different changes the story. It’ll just be some changes in dialogue, since the story is the same all the way through. And all achievements are earned automatically.


Sakura Succubus wasn’t quite what I was expecting, but I still thought it was a fun, silly story. Team Cosmos!

Reviewed on Jun 10, 2023
