I was really happy that I did not drop Metroid II. Initially I was going to drop the Metroid II because before you get any of the upgrades the game was kinda slow, but after I got some of the upgrades, I changed my mind on dropping it.

I loved most of the upgrades you got throughout the game, like the plasma beam and the space jump for example. The combat was fun, though I wish you could switch beams whenever since the ice beam is really fun to use. I enjoyed fighting the Metroids (i.e Omega, Zeta, Gamma) because of how intense it was, since they have a LOT of health, deal a lot of damage and are fast.

The main issue I had with the game was that it was a Game boy game, so the screen size hindered platforming and combat. Two minor issues I had were that the game did not have a map which made it confusing to navigate the world, and that there was no color, so most areas blended together (game boy moment).

Other than that, this game was surprisingly great!

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
