Moving away from Liberl and into Crossbell, this game tells a fun story with a new cast of likeable characters while still managing to weave in more lore on the characters and events of the Liberl arc.

The Special Support Section are a fun bunch and grow closer throughout the course of the game, but they still feel more like coworkers as opposed to the genuine friendship of the main cast in Sky. Lloyd is a fine protagonist, and his interactions with Randy, Tio, and KeA are great, but his relationship with Elie is pretty much just fake romantic tension.

The main plot of this game is incredibly intriguing the whole way through. This game past the halfway point had so many moments that just left me with either my jaw on the floor or giddy from excitement. Much like Sky SC, the game has a satisfying enough ending while still leaving enough unanswered to make the player want to dive deeper into the rabbit hole that is the Trails franchise. Trails from Zero is a great introduction to the new arc, and I look forward to its conclusion in Azure

Reviewed on Dec 26, 2022
