+ Extremely addictive and possibly one of my favorite games - how are the reviews so low? (maybe not so much here but on Metacritic and elsewhere)
+ I absolutely love this genre, whatever it's called (2D multidirectional space shooter? Asteroids-like?), at least in theory, but it's so hard to find any decent games. Especially without the "space trader" bullshit (ferrying goods back and forth to buy low/sell high). Drop a comment if you have any recommendations. This is the only good one I know of released this century. My other favorites are even older: SubSpace/Continuum and a Mac game called Lunatic Fringe. (There's also a newer one called Starsector, which I haven't played, so I don't know if it fits the bill.)

± If you're expecting a "zombie game", this ain't it. Technically, it has zombies in it, but it's mostly a spaceship combat/building game

- Gets too grindy in the final chapter (would rate 5 stars otherwise)

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2024
