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tl:dr Yeah it's average, but splitting the game into 3 may leave some fuming. Luckily it's pretty easy to get your hands on all 3 eps, and hey you could definitely play worse. I had a good time, but i'm sure others might find it too bland to continue.

Alien breed original title in 1991 was originally on the amiga but was later on ported to MS-DOS. I actually never had an an Amiga or an MS-DOS, but I have played on them in my youth. In my school we had some of these donated in and I got to play the OG doom and a couple of other older titles.

That being said this version has some of the elements of the original title, but it really is different from the original title. This ones has an actual narrative told in comic form. As well as a Coop mode (That I didn't get to try out). An upgrade system that's a bit confusing, and a high score system.

If the original title plays like sci fi gauntlet this plays more like top down dead space. Exploring a ship going through an alien attack that wants to rip your face off while shooting the ever loving shit out of them. Save civilians, shoot the ayys that are totally not zerg.

Really it hits the dopamine spot for me quite well. There are very few things in the world I like more then shooting the ever loving shit out of different alien species we've come up with. With that being said the level design kinda meh, the weapon designs not too crazy and pretty standard, the ayy designs pretty bland, and boy oh boy do the environment feel samey.

That being said there isn't really a part in this game that I hate. The level design is just solid all around and you'll probably never really get angry at any encounter. You'll tell when shits going down the second you step within the room, and hey there are some interesting environments that change things up a little bit. Just not much.

Really if you skipped this game i'd shrug and say " Yeah I understand", but for me I had to finish this title. I got this a while ago on a bundle and I played it in highschool and I NEEDED to finish this title. Luckily the game itself is not fucking bad and hey I enjoyed my time shooting the bugs. Maybe the sequels improve on the formula (will update this if do)