Pure nostalgia! In LBP, you play as Sackboy; a boy made of... sack? You traverse through cleverly designed platforming levels whilst jamming out to what must be one of the best game soundtracks of all time! We're talking 'The Go! Team', 'Battles', And last but not least: Muthafuckin' Daniel Pemberton! With his TV Orchestra, he created this masterpiece of an OST, intertwined with other songs by the previously mentioned artist and more!

I want to quickly mention the level design again. It really feels like the game devs created the game engine just to have fun making clever levels, and it just so happens that they were working on a game at the same time. No level feels pushed or like they had to create it for level's sake. Pure fun all the way through!

Reviewed on Jul 14, 2023
