Fun to goof about with when you're on the go! If you take the time to learn every nook and cranny of this software, you can make, like, actually good and interesting songs. Just search it up on Youtube, it's incredible.


I am not going to rate this game, because I have no idea how I would in the first place. The main objective of the game is... and drumroll please... to kill pigs. Who woulda thunk? It's such a stupid concept, and overall a stupid game, but that's kinda where it gets its charm.

It's been a hot minute since I last played the game. Apparently, they've added a ton more lore and secrets to the game, which kinda makes me want to replay it and find everything. Maybe after a couple of brews, I'll muster up the courage to return, because I can't imagine playing this game sober. Games made by (what I'm guessing are) drunk people, should be played by drunk people.