You get home and realize there's no food in the house. Looking at your calendar, you realize that you aren't due for another trip to the supermarket until tommorow.

Across the street, there's a bakery. You love this bakery. You have fond memories of going there and sitting outside in the garden with your classmates, basking in the warmth of a fading sun. This store recently recieved a major renovation. You walk outside and see a sign on the windowsill. Two for one pastries, it says, with the caveat that it is valid only for new customers. "I don't see why not", you say to yourself, and with a chip or smile on your face, you walk past the door.

Immediately, you're greeted with the same kind smile that kept you coming back for months. Looking at the aisles of neatly arraigned pastries, you demur over which one suits your appetite the best. Making up your mind, you finally raise your voice. "I'll take one Belgian bun, please!"

The woman, instead of grabbing the Belgian bun, grabs what seems to be a probability wheel. "Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding -- it's only a 50 percent chance for you to get a Belgian bun."

The wheel spins.

"Ah, better luck next time!" the woman remarks, handing you a mint granite with the same kind smile on her face. Looking at the granita, you're reminded of the ice cream you ate yesterday, and the stomachache that followed. Would it really be a good idea to eat something cold right now? That's right, that's right. What you want is something warm and soft and fluffy and comforting a Belgian bun. "Oh, what's wrong?", the woman asks. "For another two dollars, I'll give you another pastry and another spin of the wheel."


The wheel spins.