Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 12, 2024

Platforms Played


pew-pew lo-fi and progressive metal. play if you want to vibe but also panic :)
This game popped up on my stream shop a few months back and i was always hesitant on picking it up, but once i clicked purchase i never looked back. Risk of Rain 2 is an amalgamation of everything that comes with video games. Integrating grinding, third person POV shooting, and ever evolving wave of enemies that match the players progression. My friends often watch me play and while their intimidation by the gameplay is valid, i try to remind them that it's a lot scarier to watch than it is to play. You'll find yourself easily sit into the groove of terrorizing bosses and enemies and after X amount of hours you'll start to wonder "why am i doing this in the first place?" The backstory and logs are hidden throughout the game and i still can't seem to find them so i find myself looking up explanation videos on YouTube.
I find that i use this game as a nice ice-breaker when getting to know acquaintances as it's easy to talk while playing. You don't have to pay too much attention so carrying conversation becomes organic, easy, and fun.

in all seriousness, this is my favorite game to zone out to and grind, it's easy to get the hang of and with every death you learn something new. Even after you had your fill of the game you'll find yourself listening to the OST on loop for hours, looking up speedruns, lore videos, and you'll wish to know the rain formally known as purple. Keep your eye on the weather as there might be a risk of rain :)

"..and so she left, her soul still remaining on the planet."