Soulstice 2022

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With an already huge backlog and many more better games to play, as a sucker for hack n slash games, I just have to play everything in the genre that comes out, doesn't matter if it's mediocre, so that's precisely why I first gave Soulstice a try, played 5 chapters, and abandoned it, it wasn't THAT good.

That was until the game's style and unique visuals dragged me back in, and I decided to finish it.
While it had its ups and downs, I'm definitely happy I finished it after all.

I'll start with the main point, the combat.
The combat is... good? The combo and weapons system is very similar to DmC: Devil May Cry, as you can start a string with a weapon and finish it with another, the weapons are cool overall, the one that stands out the most is the last weapon you get, tonfas that also act as guns.

All the weapons also have the "synergy attacks", which you can unleash after you've maxed out the Unity meter (think of it as DMC's style system, you need to do different combos and not get damaged), these attacks are good with cool animations, later on you'll get access to the Rapture State and Berserk, which are two of the coolest aspects of the entire game, the "Devil Triggers" if you will.

Now the game isn't without issues obviously, it commits the sin of color coded enemies and some other minor things, I don't understand why they went for the color code system as it clearly didn't work in DmC: Devil May Cry, and it doesn't work very well here, although you'll unlock some upgrades in the endgame which will improve it significantly, but at that point the damage is already done and you've likely suffered enough, all that said though, it's something I'm willing to look past as I had my fair share of fun with the combat system, it has some truly great moments.

Now while I started this game because it's a hack n slash, I was surprised myself because the thing I stayed for was actually the story.
The story starts out pretty good, but it's nothing special early on, after like 8 chapters it picks up, and it's really good after that, the protagonists Briar and Lute specially as they had good character arcs and great voice acting, by the end I was totally caring for them and enjoyed their dialogues and screen time more than I thought I would.

Another strong aspect of this game are the boss fights, there are quite a number of them, and they're all great both story-wise and gameplay-wise.
All of the positives plus the unique visuals and style made me ignore all the game's flaws and have a really good time.

I recommend Soulstice to hack n slash fans, but you have to be patient and play at least 8 chapters before making your mind.