games where a dialog option says one thing but for some reason your character is forced to say another thing/cannot complete it

this is NOT talking about the mass effect style “dialog wheel made me think I was saying one thing but Shepard went too aggro” or the the general BioWare dialog wheel paraphrasing of the line. It’s specifically the dialog option you choose being the line your character would say but they get interrupted, or you pick the dialogue option but for some reason what your character ends up saying is different (mind control, diagetic sheepishness, etc)

Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts 2
if you try to make raz talk to lily about their kiss he sheepishly fumbles instead
Spring Leaves No Flowers
Spring Leaves No Flowers
choosing crosses out dialogue options is the only way to get certain content later in the game, but choosing them makes Minami pivot to saying something different in the moment
Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger
Nancy Drew: Stay Tuned for Danger
at one point Nancy tries to introduce herself to someone but her VO only gets maybe nine words into a fully typed out dialogue option before the other character interrupts her
Sam & Max: Save the World
Sam & Max: Save the World
i won’t spoil probably the best joke in the season but there is an instance of a dialogue choice being completely replaced by different dialogue that busted my gut in episode 2 in a game that mostly elicited polite chuckles from me
Deltarune: Chapter 2
Deltarune: Chapter 2
I haven’t played this but multiple people have said so!

1 Comment

1 year ago

emily is away

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