Nancy Drew Reviews in Release Order

Hello! I have literally no experience with Nancy Drew in literature or cinema or video games at all. A complete neophyte initially inspired to try out this series only by a love of point n click adventure games, mystery stories, and Nerdietalk's list ranking them giving me a concrete confirmation that there are a finite number of these and that it could be done, this very quickly became a passion project to catalogue and evaluate the evolution of truly fascinating series.

Her Interactive's Nancy Drew Cyber Mystery Series (this is not an official name but they call it that in the third one and I think it's very funny) is deeply interested in experimenting with the form of adventure games, the limits of their low budget presentation, the boundaries of the constraints placed on the politics and messages in entertainment marketed to and designed to educate children, and they're also distinctly strange, charming, and engrossingly entertaining in the way that only awkward CG games from the early 2000s could be.

There were also a few of these on the Nintendo DS by THQ that I'll cover once I've wrapped up the "main series" and also a couple of these were ported to GBA which i GOTTA see and the first game was also remade at some point and I accidentally reviewed the original under that title here but I'll get there eventually.

I got a very flattering request from Chwoka to put together a list of my reviews, so here they are all in one place, catalogued top down from oldest to newest, with links to the reviews in the notes. List is updated as new reviews go up, and each review is updated with a link to the next one and previous one.


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