Log Status






Time Played

40h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 15, 2024

Platforms Played


First Star Ocean I have ever played. Finished a single playthrough with Raymond with no post-game done aside from farming for ultimate armors/weapons at the end.

I'm not really a fan of combat systems that use a single Action Point resource for all attacks/actions, specially when you are forced to wait in the middle of battle for it to recharge. Luckily this is not that big of an issue thanks to the ambush mechanic that allows you increase your AP bar before and during battle. I quickly set into one combo that I basically used during most of the game. Personally didn't have an issue repeating the same button combination 90% of the game but I think is something it needs to be mentioned.

Really liked that the EXP is shared between all party members, even if they aren't one of the four active ones. If you keep an eye on upgrading the equipment of your reserve members, you shouldn't have an issue when you inevitably unbench them. The difficulty curve was fine most of the time, only had issues with some bosses were I had no trouble with the dungeon but the boss at the end just straight up wiped the floor with me. Learned the hard way to have a save just before the boss encounter to be able to exit the fight without lossing the progress done during the dungeon.

The story is just serviceable. It showed some promise of adressing the issues of "futuristic" characters influencing the medieval characters during the first act, but I feel this was left aside at around the second half of the story. Not really a fan of how the Private Action scenes are handled, felt like you had to backtrack to previous locations after each story beat to see all of the conversations with your party.

My biggest issue is the heavy reliance the game has on RNG. Just straight up ignored most side quests that required gathering items from monsters, since I was burned up pretty early by some bad luck when farming item drops.
The crafting system also leaves you at the mercy of the RNG, but I guess its the price to pay to being able to just plow through the game with OP weapons and armors as soon as you unlock the smithing/crafting abilities.

I played on Xbox One in performance mode, they aren't kidding when they say that the resolution will be sacrificed since the game was a blurry mess. The issue is that the framerate still drops a lot both during combat with lots of enemies or effects, and during exploration in a couple of areas. Only had two crashes during all my playtime, both during boss fights which forced me to restart the encounters in both cases.

This is a "7/10" game in the most complimentary of ways. If other platforms can handle the game on a stable framerate and/or less blurriness I could increase the score to an 8, so looking forward to revisit the game on PC and hope the technical issues aren't as noticeable.