All games should make their levels only 100 seconds long. Shorter levels absolutely made the difference. The game doesn’t overstay its welcome and each level is concise but well designed. The shorter length must’ve made the devs focus on the quality of each level wayy more. Really fun to revisit this game. Already beat the game years ago, but it was fun to play post game and beat some of the levels I never did.

Fun game when not compared to its predecessors. I played the Wii version a lot as a kid, but the disc stopped working tragically. So, funnily enough, I was actually excited to finally have a 2D Mario game on console again. This basically replaced the Wii version for me since the games are so similar lol. It’s not the most mind-blowing game, but its multiplayer offering and enjoyable levels made it worth finishing. Curious how much Mario Wonder will surpass it.

The single most hyped I’ve ever been for a video game was for Smash Wii U. The Smash Bros series is why I’m a huge Nintendo fan today, so middle school me was freaking out at the idea of a brand new game on the horizon. Between 2013 and 2014, I honestly believe that Smash 4 was the only thing I thought about. I would refresh the smash website every day and watch every Nintendo direct, waiting for Smash news. So finally, when the game came out for 3DS and eventually Wii U, it was like a dream come true. I sunk HOURS into these games and truly loved every minute of it. And now, 10 years later, I decided to essentially 100% Smash Wii U by fully completing the challenge board. The only challenges I had left were beating Classic mode with Marth and Classic mode without losing a life, and Marth was definitely the easier one. It took a fair amount of time, but I got through it without too much trouble. But Classic mode without losing a life was one of the most difficult video game challenges I’ve ever done. Weirdly enough, Master Core itself wasn’t even that difficult. But the CPU matches beforehand were SO AGONIZING to get through, mainly because it was mostly up to chance if you survived or not. It honestly got so infuriating at points that I questioned if I wanted to beat the challenge at all. I knew it was possible, but the CPU matches were so luck based that I felt like I wasn’t really improving at all. But I still decided to keep grinding, playing as Ganondorf and then switching to Corrin. But after more and more hours, I still fell short most of the time. I finally decided to play Ganondorf again after avoiding him for a while, and dealing the final blow on Master Core was one of the most satisfying moments I’ve ever experienced in any video game. Such an intense but fulfilling send off to such an important game in my life.

Ended up beating all the events on Hard (not the group events though) and I collected all of the CDs and outfits I believe. Didn’t do all trophies and custom moves because I already did that on 3DS and it took soooo long. But I’m just happy I beat all of the challenges on the challenge board. It’s been an amazing 10 years with this game!

Such a pleasant and fun 2D platformer. Started the game 1 year and 3 days ago with my girlfriend, so it’s pretty wild that I’ve finally made it to the end of this cozy game. The art design takes the cake here as each level oozes with yarny creativity. Favorite thing to do was just stop playing and look at the smallest details like fringes on yarn characters or other crocheting inspirations. The game struggles to maintain its inventiveness in the middle as some levels just weren’t as creative. But honestly, boring levels were usually far and few between. Looking for secrets was always really fun, and I actually ended up going for the 100% towards the end of the game, so going back and replaying was surprisingly fun (especially loved the unlockable yoshi costumes! those were sick). It was also admittedly really challenging for the full health runs, almost to an annoying degree lol. But beating the levels losing no health ended up being a really rewarding way to play, since the added difficulty really gave the game an edge. So the 100% ended up being worth it and I can safely say this is one of the stronger 2D platformers. Great music, fun gameplay, cute vibes, I’ll remember how fun this was to play.

Mario Kart DS was a childhood staple for me, but tragically, I ended up losing my cartridge when I was pretty young. So naturally, when I found out the Wii U virtual console was selling the game, it was a no brainer to buy it and relive that part of my childhood. Weirdly enough, playing the game again almost felt like a new experience (honestly don’t remember the single player mission mode, ROB as a character, and more.) Mission mode ended up being really fun despite some rage inducing moments and I especially loved the bosses which were a great change of pace from the other mission levels. Ended up finishing with 3 stars on every mission, including the secret unlockable one, and it was honestly an insane grind, but thankfully really enjoyable. As for grand prix, I appreciated a lot of the new tracks (Personally LOVED Airship Fortress, Bowser’s Castle, Peach Gardens, DS Rainbow Road!!). But some of the retro tracks (mainly the circuits) were kind of bland and basic. Still amazing how this game boasts 32 different tracks. Getting 3 stars on each cup is nearly impossible and I was kind of bummed that the rules were vague/inconsistent on how to get it. But thankfully, you only need to win each cup to get the unlockables, so it ended up being pretty fun finally 100%ing the game. Shocked that I’ve actually fully beaten Mario Kart DS. Love the Mario Kart series and can safely say this game was worth playing and grinding so many years later.

I’ve had this game on my 3DS for years now, and finally, my brother and I sat down and played it. Ended up being just fine. The gameplay and puzzles are REALLY simple, but I will say the different power ups and boss fights were fun enough. Really enjoyed just getting to play a game with my brother, even if it was just ok. Ended up being a decently satisfying experience overall. There’s a bit more post game stuff, but we decided we were happy with just beating the main game. Also didn’t want to deal with the monotony of the gameplay again lol. Thanks for playing bro.

Decided to revisit this because of the online services shutting down soon. I played this religiously when it came out and really loved making my own levels and playing others’ creations. It has such personality too and the 100 mario challenges are pretty fun (I can’t play expert though because of how hard I rage lol). I’ve definitely gotten my moneys worth because of how many hours I’ve sunk in, so now I’m just on a quest to download some great levels before the game shuts down. RIP Super Mario Maker! It was a good run.

Edit: Ending up unlocking nearly all of the amiibo costumes before the servers shut down (didn’t unlock the expert or super expert ones because those modes are painfully difficult and hurt my brain). Ended up staying on 100 mario challenge for over 5 hours after online shut down which was wild lol. Sad that the game mode is gone though. Really the end of an era.

Such a childhood staple for me. The game boasts high-quality tracks and the glider is honestly one of the best inclusions in any Mario Kart game. The gameplay is also really polished here and clearly influenced Mario Kart 8's polish. Only complaints are the limited character roster and the game's lack of identity. Doesn't stand out as much compared to the other entries. Still a really great game regardless. Just unlocked the last kart customization (the beast glider) and won't be going for the gold kart and glider because it would easily take weeks to complete that. Thanks for the memories Mario Kart 7. I'll definitely come back and play for fun.

I usually get intimidated by longer, story-based games, so booting this up for the first time this summer was a pretty big deal for me. And even more wild was seeing the title screen appear in all of its glory. What a moment. It was just surreal that I was actually playing the game after owning it for 12+ years! This was also my first 3D Sonic Game AND my first Sonic game period (not including spin-offs) which is honestly pretty shocking. As for which version to tackle, I decided to play the Wii version because A, it’s the only version I own and B, Sonic “Unwiished” has kind of gained a cult following, so it made me even more interested to try it out.

So as for the game itself, I was treated to a pretty chaotic rollercoaster. It begins with a slew of short tutorial levels that start out fine, but become increasingly tedious due to the unfortunate load times. Like seriously, those loading screens were probably longer than the tutorial levels themselves. And then, multiple cutscenes emerged following this, so in the first 2-3 hours, I had really only played 1 hour of gameplay. However, once you pass the poor pacing in the beginning, you’re introduced to the daytime stages, and these were such a blast. I think Sonic’s controls can get just a bit slippery with the nunchuck, but with practice, the levels become SO MUCH FUN. Speeding through areas like Rooftop Run and Dragon Road made me start to really enjoy the game and nearly every daytime level matched this thrill. I also appreciated the smaller levels that came after beating each day stage. They invite you to play small segments of the level again and offer surprisingly fun challenges that I always looked forward to. The day time stages overall were probably the most fun part of the game.

However, for the infamous nighttime or werehog stages, I found myself mixed. I actually watched my brother play these levels when we were kids, so I was weirdly nostalgic for them beforehand. But as for playing them now, I had three major problems. First, the levels were way too long, making them feel really drawn out. Either make Sonic a bit faster or shorten the levels! Second, the daytime to nighttime level ratio is egregiously uneven. The game is probably 33% daytime gameplay and 67% nighttime gameplay because although day and night have the same amount of levels, the daytime ones are MUCH shorter. So adding more daytime levels and removing a few night-time would’ve definitely helped even out the gameplay. And finally, the levels themselves were usually really frustrating. The platforming was often too precise and resulted in unfair deaths, and each time that happened, I really just wanted to walk away from the game. I will admit though that shaking the Wii remotes and bashing enemies’ heads in is fun at times. But the fun level design and enemy fights weren’t enough to overcome the unforgiving platforming and constant level restarts.

And now, here’s a collection of additional aspects I liked:

1. The story is relatively enjoyable and I found Chip to be especially charming. He's honestly just such a fun character and learning about his lost memories had me surprisingly invested. And I was actually sad to see him leave at the end :(

2. The music is seriously amazing and two of my favorites were the day versions of Rooftop Run and the Windmill Isle. I also enjoyed the simplistic menu layout when jumping from different areas and talking to townspeople. And I really appreciated the secret rooms that you could check out after obtaining medals. I only explored them toward the end of the game, but they were fun challenges and made finishing the game more enjoyable. Also, not having to track down medals to progress through the game was a huuuge plus.

3. I also have to make a small comment on the daytime Eggmanland stage. I could not for the life of me beat this damn stage, and it got to the point where the level was negatively affecting my view of the overall game. I seriously struggled that much. But once I realized how to properly navigate the stage, I was surprised at how much I started to really enjoy it. Can’t deny how miserable I was before getting to that realization though lol. But it was so satisfying and overall helped me get much better at controlling daytime Sonic. I’ll always remember Eggmanland.

4. And lastly, I looooved the boss fights. Each boss was actually an imposing threat and the battles felt big! I especially loved the final fight with Dark Gaia and how it’s split into multiple segments. Honestly did not expect that. And the fight was the perfect blend of challenge and reward. I died a handful of times, but each time felt warranted, and overcoming each obstacle was so fulfilling. Once I finally punctured the last eye of Dark Gaia, I felt so triumphant, and then a bit sad that I had officially finished the game to the end.

So, with all of that said, I still really enjoyed my time with Sonic Unleashed. The werehog stages definitely had their share of missteps, but the daytime levels and specifically the final boss are reasons to give this game an honest try. The game also absolutely warrants the $50 price tag at the time. It’s a surprisingly lengthy and abundant playthrough, and there’s plenty of opportunity to go back and replay the many fun levels. Sonic Unleashed is flawed, but my experience with it was truly fun and memorable. And as unpolished as it is, I’ll still likely come back to the game to play some daytime levels. I’m happy I finally got around to playing this charming game. Now onto Sonic Colors!

Definitely for Simpsons fans (which I am not). The controls and camera (likely the Wii version's fault) were the biggest issue because of how unbelievably clunky they were. It's unfortunate because it made some of the levels just unfun. At least the experience was kind of memorable though. Some levels were pretty fun like when you fight the giant in the city, and battling God in Dance Dance Revolution is a huge plus. Not terrible, but not very good either.

Have really fond memories of playing this towards the end of high school. My brother and I booted it up often when we were younger, but I always wanted to go back and unlock all the characters as well as play other game modes. Finally got the chance in the form of the Single Player “Superstars” mode and I really enjoyed it. Just a lot of fun getting each character and playing the different kinds of tennis levels and challenges. 100%ing the game definitely took some effort, but I’m really glad I got to complete it while having fun in the process.

It’s been 15 years since I’ve played NSMB’s story mode, and I couldn’t think of a more perfect time to revisit it with Mario Wonder out now. I decided to play on a 100% save file to focus mainly on level design and gameplay, not so much the unlocking. And wow... the first four worlds in particular are unbelievably dull.

The levels themselves were surprisingly uninspired and offered very little variety. I really only found level 2-3 (the sewer level) to be truly inventive and fun, as well as some of the tower and castle levels (like Castle 1-1). And I quickly realized that level exploration and finding secrets was practically mandatory to enjoy these barren levels.

However, once you get to Worlds 5-8, the levels slowly start to display a bit of innovation. I really enjoyed 7-3 with the huge Wiggler, 6-6 with all of the spin blocks, 8-3 where you swim away from a GIANT eel, and literally every other level in World 8 (the meteor shower, the rising lava, etc.). Always loved World 8 as a kid, and it’s clear that its daring level design is why. But without a doubt, the BEST level in the game goes to World 8-Bowser’s Castle both for its amazing music and creative level design. I specifically loved when the path repeated if you didn’t navigate it properly, or how the level would often flip upside down (literally).

So, with all of that said… I was still pretty disappointed replaying this. The gameplay is shockingly unmemorable and only a handful of levels in Worlds 5, 6, 7 and 8 are actually innovative. I think its biggest problem is how 80% of the levels are painfully straightforward and offer the same, simplistic level design. It's just sad because this game was so monumental to my relationship with video games, but I don’t see myself playing it again. I'll forever play the multiplayer mode though.

This and Wii U sadly get overshadowed by some of the more popular Smash entries. But this plays surprisingly well on 3ds and is honestly so much fun. Most of the content is the same, but Smash Run specifically elevates this so much. This game was also so monumental to me when it came out. Started playing again to unlock all custom moves, so hopefully i can accomplish that soon!

EDIT: Just unlocked all custom moves and mii hats by grinding Smash Run and it was so much fun. Glad I've finally 100% essentially everything in the game. Can’t wait to come back to the game and just play. Love this entry.

Don't see myself getting into the story mode for this one. Especially with it being so deep in the lore. STRICTLY MULTIPLAYER. And happy to just play multiplayer regardless.

It's not perfect by any means, but it is surprisingly so fun to keep collecting coins while navigating each level. There’s also some pretty unique level design compared to the other entries. And it’s relatively brief too, so the game doesn't overstay it's welcome. The final boss fight is excellent too. Flawed, but undeniably fun!