Earthbound at it's core is a touching tale that tells the perspective of Ness' and his friend's adventures throughout the world meeting new people along the way to defeat Porky and Gigyas. The game mechanics are simple and easy to learn while also provides a sense of challenge to those who are interested but never makes it a mandatory factor to finishing the game. Earthbound itself ensures that it's different from RPG titles by averting it's focus from grinding to a more story oriented game. Earthbound shines in it's story through it's funny and touching relationships as well as different dialogue displayed by people within Ness' party as well as other NPC's that you meet along your path. This game makes it worthwhile to search for every corner of it's map to discover a hidden item or a funny interaction from any NPC near you. This game provides a sense of adventure combined with it's funny and emotional interactions makes it a 5/5 star game on my list.

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2022
