this is the last bit of homework i was told i needed to complete before i can FINALLY play the final fantasy seven remake, and while its far from the worst thing the ff7 compilation has to offer, its still pretty mid. the dmw completely trivialises combat, resulting in gameplay that is lacking in depth even when compared to lesser entries in the compilation. the writing and characters are all pretty one-dimensional, with the exception of genesis (gackt) who is zero-dimensional and cringe incarnate. zack and aerith are very cute together, but their relationship is never developed enough to really get me invested in either of them. strangely, crisis core's narrative shines brightest once the game has ended, which leads me to believe that the writers started with a strong conclusion and then tried to develop a story from there. this was a technique i once attempted while writing an essay in high school.

none of it is offensively bad, but its hard for me to ever consider recommending this game to anyone. if you're really interested in the ff7 compilation, then i guess you could give crisis core a shot. its short, stupidly easy, and pretty mindless. just don't go into it with any expectations. however, if you don't care about the compilation, there really isn't any reason to touch this.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2024
