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The game right now is very short and quite tedious, if I'm honest. I played with a friend on both maps (there's only two), and well, the house with the little girl that requires dolls is quite tedious. I memorized where to go and where each regular doll was (you have to give these "regular" dolls to the ghostly little girl or she will go berserk and turn you into a doll), and I got down to at least 3 corrupted dolls left to burn in the stove but my friend and I were never able to finish the map. This might be due to us not having 4 people to participate, but it's very mindless regardless, seeing as the little girl seems to get angrier and angrier the more corrupted dolls you burn. There are only so many regular dolls to give her to keep her docile, and only so many chances to evade her.

The other map is at a farmhouse with one or two humans turned into monsters that chase you around. It's kind of difficult to figure out what you're supposed to do while this thing is chasing you 24/7. This map also employs a similar mechanic as the other, where you have to feed the monster chickens to keep him from attacking you. The maps are almost copy-pasted in this sense (pick up weapons & clues -> pick up sedative-type objects or food for the perpetrator -> finish or die if all players are attacked without reverting back to original form first.)

Other than that, the game isn't scary to me in the slightest. Hopefully, the game will be updated with different/better maps. I think the $5 price tag is pretty reasonable, although I can't recommend this game. If you want a better co-op experience that's actually spooky, I'd advise you to pick up either Phasmophobia or Labyrinthine.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
