This game is... disappointing. Don't get me wrong, it can be really fun. And the soundtrack is fucking incredible (probably the best part of the game). But its so damn frustrating at times. To address the elephant in the room, yes - it'd have been received much better if it did not have "most wanted" in the title. But that's hardly a major issue unless nostalgia goggles are glued to your eyes. Every single moment made me think "This was done WAY better in hot pursuit 2010 and even burnout paradise. What went wrong here?" The map is good on its own. The handling model is good on its own. But taking both together you'll realize that this handling model is not AT ALL suited for the map design. To put it simply, the game rips off the map of paradise city and puts in the hot pursuit physics which DO NOT work well together. It takes a LOT of time to finally get used to the driving in this game. Watching the beta footage on youtube is just sad man. This game could've been so much better.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024
