Genuinely never felt more insane for not falling in love with, or at the very least for not liking a video game as everyone else seems to. While I can say undertale is a good video game, I initially had a long ass review about how I didn't vibe with most of the game, and will instead spare you some time. I never liked how forced some of the mechanics felt just to draw in people who don't like jrpgs, or how simple, frankly unappealing and bland the spritework and visuals are. The dialogue and characters feel, again, forced and overly quirky for the sake of it, to the point that I struggle to take any of the major themes seriously when they actually take to the stage, and while the music is good, I can only hear megalovania or any other track in the game so many times before I get sick of it. If there's ever been a game that I've grown to dislike more and more due to overexposure, it's absolutely this one. I think it frankly is far from the best in regards to its jrpg aspects, everything it's praised and heralded for has been done better elsewhere in mostly in far less well known titles, and if you're one of those people who "doesn't usually like jrpgs, but" just play Chrono Trigger or something, I dunno.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2023
