It's not that bad - some visuals and atmosphere are pretty good, concept of "trauma upon trauma" is interesting and not something you usually see in media... Thing is, Bloober Team are folks that are making those psychological horrors but it seems that they don't actually understand ideas behind genre, mindset of people with mental illness, works that inspired them etc.

I mean, just take something technical for example like camera angles. You may think it's cool that they took something from classic survival horror games, but if you just come back to Resident Evil (2002) or Silent Hill 2 you'll ask yourself right away what the fuck they are doing, because it's obvious that they don't know how angles works in those classic. With few exceptions, Medium feels like some point and click adventure with one of the most boring and lazy angles that was seen in genre.

Still, it's pretty, sometimes.

Reviewed on Jul 05, 2021
