very accurate depection of what being a rich kid is like

To be real though, I dug this game. I only decided to play it after having passing familiarity with the Melty series for years, and was surpised how engaging I found both the elements of horror and melodrama. Standouts for me were Yumizuka's storyline and Ciel gaslighting you. Even as a member of Team Akiha, it's hard not to fall in love with Arcueid. It's achieves at moments what the best VNs do: nailing that feeling of meeting a new person who might be a lifelong friend, and then complicating it with good ol' fashioned cartoon bullshit. It's just a fun, nasty little story for perverts, and I think the remake loses something vital (and not just the porn!). The art's better in the original too.

PS there are two characters named Shiki. This is a mild spoiler but depending on your translation it can be hard to tell what the fuck they're talking about because they're spelled different in Japanese.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
