i like life is strange because i am a certified things enjoyer
i enjoyed playing this game - but it could've done better.
the main issue is that it's short. the first chapter is the one I enjoyed (and suffered) the most.
the reveal of the plot twist shocked me briefly, but i was mostly concerned by how little could've even hinted at it, or how more development would've made it insanely better.
i'm not sure if it was a development thing or what - but the story itself happens in a very, very small period of time, yet treats it as if aged had gone by.
the artstyle and music are absolutely on point, this is the best life is strange in that regard and i'm excited for what may come next.
this might be a pet peeve but the male love interests in both 1 and this one were not interesting at all and i'm not sure if it's because lis is a designated gay game. either way i believe in steph supremacy

basically this game is very pretty it has great music and is enjoyable to play but the story didn't quite do it for me. excited to see more games with this quality!

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2021
