Did you want to do meter management as you boost around from waist-high cover to waist-high cover, doing cool dynamic poses in slow motion while you shoot robots? Well, you SHOULD.

This game's presentation and set pieces are awesome. I love the voice-lines from SAM, the protag. I still quote them to this day.

Every weapon you pick up changes your melee attack and melee attacking almost always drains your meter completely. It's a fair trade off considering how powerful melee is. But this means you are encouraged to stay behind cover where you can. Which is strange for Platinum, who's known for really strong melee combat and rushing into the fray for some time bonus.

Picking up multiple stacks of the same gun upgrades the gun. There ends up being way too many upgrade levels per gun before you reach max in my opinion, resulting in maxing out one main weapon, and using your secondary slots for experimentation/ just messing around.
You'll end up leveling up grenades like mad because you'll forget you have them LOL. (They are really strong, please remember to use them.)

The music isn't very memorable, I'm struggling to remember anything that isn't the cool title screen ambiance.
The story is a tad uninspired and the ending is a total cliffhanger bummer.

Reviewed on Jul 04, 2023
