This game means a lot to me. It's a reboot of a series I had never played before but I wanted it so bad. The music and sense of speed, pulling off combo strings that last the entire run- This was the dream blend of Sonic the Hedgehog and Tony Hawk Pro Skater.

Collecting Geo Tag collectables placed by the community was a lot of fun. A really cool concept that makes exploring these slopes really fun. The wingsuit adds so much to this. If you got to some hard to reach spot and were disappointed in the lack of reward for doing so, simply place a geo tag there for other players to find!

The gear system is a tad lame, what items are in the shop at any given time is completely random. Wanting to pickup a new board/suit that looks cool? You better hope it comes with really good stats too. You'll NEED better stats for some of the survival challenges.

Knowing the game was initially going to be all about the "dangerous survival" aspect of the game, I am so glad they didn't stick with it. Easily the worst parts of the experience.
Want a better score? Try rolling for better gear at the shop.
Going down a mountain at the dead of night with nothing but a flashlight, dodging tree debris is fun the first time. As you get further along there are more obstacles causing you to awkwardly get hung up on fallen trees and branches. The absolute worst part of a snowboarding game is that awkward stand-still where you're caught on something and you go back up the mountain slightly and just start sliding around, fighting for control back of the board. Rewinding hurts your score, so it's better to just manually finagle around these obstacles.
Things like managing your body heat or oxygen levels by staying out of the shadows is fun and refreshing the first time you do them, but I hated going back for higher scores.
Going for the best scores over and over with strict restrictions is slow and nowhere as fun as doing tricks and racing at blistering speeds.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023
