i played this for like 10 minutes but the art is cute so whatever

the music has stuck with me for over 20 years

heard some dudes organs were in here.....

one of the many random games my dad got us....spent most of the time just blowing stuff up with a rocket launcher

who else downloaded so many custom cars and racers that their game lagged

i hope the fan translation can be finished, good luck!

almost forgot my friend had asked me to play this years ago...
was completely awful at the mini games so i never got far but here's to frenchfries my creachure

im not kidding when i say this series (i will wait forever for u mirror....) is my favorite vn series
every other plot twist gimmicky parody vn wants what hatoful boyfriends had for over a decade
but none of them are as equally sincere as they are parody and i am dying on this hill

played for awhile until the huge rework and then just gave up


my original account got banned while i barely even played the game due to some weird ban wave they did years ago....had to play on the eu servers for awhile and then came back on...some server idk years later and played for like a lil bit

never finished all the routes, did like two...i remember liking kent but thats about it
my friend played as well and i fondly remember them constantly getting bad endings for trying to play logically


i use this exclusively to make ocs and random people in the shop and hang out with my friends in the shop window
the only way to enjoy some games is exclusively in a specific way with some friends

played for a little until it started to get laggy on my phone...maybe one day i'll return to it
points for lesbians

i actually never played the full game? but i did play a bit of it when i had found it years ago via stumbleupon

i remember playing this with my friend a lot and idk why bc i was so bad at it and the sound quality is so crusty
i can see those angry face emojis now....