Alone in the Dark, Ranked:

hello. i played every[asterisk] alone in the dark game over the past couple months. this is the result. every game in the series summed up in three sentences or less, with a link to the full review if you were curious to hear more about my thoughts or whatever

[asterisk](I'm gonna wait to see whether the content of the Grace in the Dark Prologue is within Alone in the Dark (2024) or whether that's actually its own separate thing before I add it to the ranking)

Full review here!

Left 4 Dead if it sucked shit. So many design choices and gameplay sequences that are just utterly borked. A fascinating trashfire to watch unfold.
Full review here!

Wants to be Resident Evil 4 and F.E.A.R but also wants to be Uncharted but also truly wants to be its own thing, a trendsetter for the rest of the industry with all the weird new things it does. The last third of the game takes a pretty major nosedive when it abandons everything briefly to become a shitty open world game but god is the rest of it so audacious and silly that it's impossible to not love it

and FUCK you anyway
Full review here!

'Hey, you know how combat was by far the worst thing about the original Alone in the Dark? What if we made its sequel all combat?'

At least the set dressing was super cool
Full review here!

Perhaps a bit long in the tooth, perhaps maybe a bit more esoteric and inconsistent than the original Alone in the Dark, but makes up for it just by how willing it is to stop taking itself seriously. The Wild West/ghost town set dressing does so much to elevate this. You do a fusion dance with your evil self and turn into a cowboy.
Full review here!

Cute little puzzle game that's both a Christmas and Halloween special. Incredible how the game mostly uses its own assets given how it's primary purpose was to promote the then-coming Alone in the Dark 2. takes longer to set up DOSBOX for this than it actually takes to go through the whole game
Full review here!

An Alone in the Dark based on Resident Evil which was in itself based on Alone in the Dark. A passable enough clone though perhaps, ironically, not one that rises above its influences. Maybe someday I'll go back and clear Aline's half of the game.
Full review here!

Perhaps has not aged the most gracefully but still holds up in most of the aspects that matter. A smorgasbord of influences which all come together to make a seamless, effective setting of its own. Shame about the combat, though.


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