I’ve often felt with horror games structured like this — where you must go through all of the bad endings before you’re able to get the ‘true ending’ — often reached a point where you were better off just watching a YouTube playthrough than going through it, as oftentimes the brief bits of new content weren’t really worth trudging through all the other stuff you’d seen in all the playthroughs before. This game… actually wears that aspect mostly well — both because loops are only, like, fifteen minutes at their longest, and because the game lets you skip most of the tedium and takes you to where you need to go fairly quickly (in a way that feels totally diegetic!). This brings the focus to what really matters: a narrative that’s fun to go through and uncover, both on its own terms and because it lets you take in more of the game’s absolutely incredible pixel art along the way. I knock it down a bit because it did still feel like a bit of a grind going through everything even with the concessions made, but otherwise this is a super neat little RPGMaker horror. And it’s free, as well! 8/10.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023
