Again, Im speechless on what to say. This game truly is great and deserves all its praises, the story is amazing, the conflict is emotional, the action is epic and the soundtrack is beautiful. Hideo Kojima and his team truly struck diamond with this masterpiece. The Cobra unit are all memorable with each boss fight being different, instilling a sort of panic as you’re corned by each member of the unit at a time. My favourite boss battles were The End, The Sorrow and of course, The Boss. The gameplay is beautiful as you navigate the jungle of Tselinoyarsk. The feeling of being alone, on a one man mission in a jungle surrounded by opposing forces is quite overwhelming but extremely immersive. The ending is probably one of the best endings to a piece of media I’ve ever experienced, it felt like a strong tide of emotions had engulfed me whole, giving me goosebumps. Once again, Thank you Hideo Kojima as-well as everyone who worked on this game!

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023
